Impact of Active Teaching & Learning Strategies in Higher Educational Institutions


Dr.KBVSR Subrahmanyam,Dr.M.Anjan Kumar, Mr.K.A.S.V.R. Sai Phani Kumar, Dr.I.Harish, Mr.M.Srinu

Page No: 46-53


Is it possible to improve the attention of the students, especially for the millennial learners. The answer would be yes; this is possible through Active learning and teaching strategies. Knowledge and wisdom could completely be acquired through basic understanding. With the implementation of active learning strategies,all the improvements , which cannot be fulfilled by traditional learning and teaching methods can be attained. With active learning, the students attention can be grabedd consistently throughout the lecture hour. Since it is one of the major challenges met by every faculty from day one. Active learning helps students to be actively involved themselves in a group activity, makes others and also themselves learn the concepts in an innovative manner. Active learning is not just a one-way learning method as it involves multitasking without losing the attention in the classroom.Active learning builds an individual's thinking ability by various brainstorming activities namely think pair share, group activity, , fishbowl, Stump your partner, quiz , flipped classroom etc. Initially the students may feel difficult and show disinterest and unwillingness to participate in such activities. But with proper guidelines, expectations and communicating, how to involve them are keys to breakup the barriers. These activities need to be practiced among the students so that they themselves indulge and completely get benefited. As these strategies are slowly being practiced and dealt by many educational institutions,this is a great advantage and would become successful if it’s included in our curriculum for improving the quality of the teaching standards. One should approach education with a modern mindset. This paper presents an impact of active learning strategies and few of the activities reflections


Cognitive learning, active learning,millennial learners,collaborative learning,Learning Management System(LMS).

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