
Yarlagadda Siva Charan, Sanagala Venkata Maruthi Mani Ganesh, Ravula Durga Sai Kamal

Page No: 183-190


This project follows the production of automobiles from the time an initial order request is made until the manufacturer has finished producing them. Throughout this entire process, a regulator can give oversight. A person builds their ideal automobile using a manufacturer's application, then orders it. The application sends a PlaceOrder transaction, which generates a brand-new Order asset with the vehicle's information in it. When the automobile moves through the production process, the manufacturer starts working on it. When an order's status changes, such as from PLACED to SCHEDULED_FOR_MANUFACTURE, the Manufacturer writes UpdateOrderStatus transactions to reflect the change. The vehicle is officially added to the registry using the information supplied in the Order once the Manufacturer has finished producing the order and has submitted an UpdateOrderStatus transaction with the status VIN ASSIGNED. The owner field of the vehicle is set to match the orderer field of the Order after the manufacturer submits an UpdateOrderStatus transaction with a status of OWNER ASSIGNED following the registration of the vehicle. This entire procedure would be overseen by the regulator.


Blockchain, Vehicle manufacture, Participants, Assets, Transactions, Events

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