Terahertz Communications: Applications, Challenges and Open Research Issues for Next Generation 6G Wireless Networks


Allanki Sanyasi Rao, Dr. Sreeja Mole S S, Sreeja Yelasani, B Sandeep Kumar

Page No: 295-315


In the approaching 2030s, transformative applications like 3D call, haptic communication, and Tele-operated driving are set to reshape communication networks. These applications require substantial bandwidth, ranging from gigahertz (GHz) to terahertz (THz) levels, differing from the current megahertz standards. Despite this, the existing radio frequency spectrum struggles to meet these escalating needs, particularly below 0.09 THz (90 GHz). Surprisingly, a solution lies in the THz frequency band, offering contiguous radio spectrum blocks. The concept involves achieving a data transmission rate of one terabit per second, which necessitates a substantial amount of available frequency spectrum. The increased and noteworthy interest in 6G communication is centered on terahertz (THz) communication in an implied manner, signifying a departure from its purely technical intrigue in previous times. This study deeply examines THz wave attributes, including significance, recent regulations, applications, and research opportunities, providing a crucial foundation for anticipated 2030s networks. By decoding THz wave intricacies and revealing uncharted research avenues, this article becomes a catalyst propelling exploration into the forthcoming communication landscape.


THz Spectrum, Wireless Communication Networks, THz Challenges, 6G

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