
Kanmathareddy Samratha Reddy,Eesari Ravithreyini,Voruganti Pavan Sai Goud, Dr Y.Rohita Ymaganti

Page No: 1234-1242


Mobile cloud storage (MCS) provides clients with convenient cloud storage service. In this paper, we propose an efficient, secure and privacy-preserving mobile cloud storage scheme, which protects the data confidentiality and privacy simultaneously, especially the access pattern. Specifically, we propose an oblivious selection and update (OSU) protocol as the underlying primitive of the proposed mobile cloud storage scheme. OSU is based on onion additively homomorphic encryption with constant encryption layers and enables the client to obliviously retrieve an encrypted data item from the cloud and update it with a fresh value by generating a small encrypted vector, which significantly reduces the client’s computation as well as the communication overheads. Compared with previous works, our presented work has valuable properties, such as fine-grained data structure (small item size), lightweight client-side computation (a few of additively holomorphic operations) and constant communication overhead, which make it more suitable for MCS scenario. Moreover, by employing the “verification chunks” method, our scheme can be verifiable to resist malicious cloud. The comparison and evaluation indicate that our scheme is more efficient than existing oblivious storage solutions with the aspects of client and cloud workloads, respectively.


Mobile cloud storage, homomorphic encryption, client workloads, and cloud workloads

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