Investigation of Distributed Embedded System Frameworks


Dr. S M Shamsheer Daula, Dr. G Ramesh, Dr. G Amjad Khan, Mr. M Madhusudhan Reddy

Page No: 62-68


The manner that traditional systems are built is as a centralized system. In addition to this conventional strategy, decentralized systems and distributed systems are also frequently used. The trend in system construction is moving away from centralized systems and toward distributed systems. These three strategies are described and contrasted in the section that follows. Traditionally, embedded systems have been centralized. One controller manages the various system components in such a system. Sensors and actuators are among the component parts that are frequently near to one another and connected directly to the controller. This kind of system can be simply implemented in small-scale systems. The direct and quick management of sensors and actuators without the use of a hierarchical control system makes it ideal for small system that demands exceptional performance. A good choice for real-time system implementation, such a system has low communication costs between sensors and controller. However, centralized systems do not scale well. The complexity of handling the control of the units would rise as the number of component units increased, leading to an increase in connections as well. The controller would need to have a large bandwidth and high performance to handle all the operations due to the communication demand. Additionally, the physical routing and arrangement of the sensors and actuators would be restricted by the central control unit


client, peer, server, embedded system, distributed system.

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