Index-based dynamic-provision of resources in Cloud Computing Virtualization Model


S. Santhosh Kumar, Mrs.Raziya Begum, Medishetti Vedavani, Lakavath Rajitha

Page No: 69-75


The majority of identity management research in the context of cloud computing has focused on safeguarding user information. However, when users utilize cloud services, they frequently leave a trace, and the resultant user traceability may result in the exposure of private user data. Meanwhile, the usage of data by attackers gives cloud providers a risky situation. One of the main problems with cloud computing is resource management, which uses virtualization technology to hide the complexity of the underlying resources, allowing the vastly dispersed resources to come together to form a single, enormous resource pool. By employing logically implemented resource management methodologies and procedures, efficient resource provisioning can be accomplished. In various applications and mobile contexts, top-k query processing is commonly employed. An index employed in the top-k query processing can be carried out effectively using layer-based indexing techniques and effective query processing. It is challenging to use the existing approaches because of the issue of a long index construction time for multidimensional and huge data. The dimensional layer (DL-Layer), a novel idea for building layer-based indexes, is what we proposed in this work. The current methods wrap the remaining input data around a layer that is constructed as a balanced layer with the outermost data. DL, on the other hand, creates a layer that is imbalanced and does not encompass the remaining data


Role-Based Access Control; Indexing; Task Scheduling; Cloud Computing; Resources

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