
Dr. Siva Rama Krishna.K, Sandhya.M, Jyothi.B, Jyotshna.V

Page No: 498-502


Voting is a significant right of every individual over 18 years old. In our country, India, it makes a huge difference in deciding the country's future. There are two types of voting systems that India has seen: the traditional voting system, which includes ballot papers, the physical presence of the voters, and infrastructure arrangements that would result in large investments. The other process is the EVM, known as electronic voting machines, which also need the physical presence of the voter. These machines are to be designed and used specifically for elections. Both processes are tricky at times since there is a scope for the duplication of votes and vote tampering in the EVM. This web application has face recognition for the authentication of voters. Once the voter is authenticated, they proceed to cast their votes, which get saved permanently in the blockchain database. With the help of smart contracts, the votes that are cast once become immutable, so that duplication of votes and one person casting multiple votes would be easily avoided.


Blockchain, Face Recognition, Web application

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