Applications of Machine Learning, Deep learning in diagnosis and treatment of Cancer Patients


Syeda Azkia Aijaz Quadri, Dr.Mohammed Sanaullah Qasim, Samroot Afreen, Sheema Fatima

Page No: 1382-1386


Matters of interest about artificial intelligence to deliver intelligible or explicable output to users have been raised collaterally with the quick developmental interest towards Artificial Intelligence in biomedical applications. This purpose is mainly in biomedical settings where patient safety is our priority. In order to evaluate artificial intelligence, NLP, and XAI in detail, this position paper highlights researchers who are keen in the field and have many responsibilities and opinions. Modern era for the definition is conceptual framework or the model to use when thinking about XAI. A set of conditions for getting interpretable in AI are then listed, each of which puts a spotlight on an important stream of biology.



Volume & Issue



Collective Surgical Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, cancer patients, diagnosis and treatment