A Study on the Effect of the demographic factors on Occupational Stress among police personnel in Telangana State


T.Malathi Latha, Prof. S. Kamaleshwar Rao

Page No: 264-272


The field of law enforcement is a career that has certain unusual qualities that might induce work pressures, and the job of a police officer is one of the most stressful jobs in the field.(PeƱalba et al., 2008)Having to make difficult decisions very quickly, not being able to get enough sleep, having poor living and working conditions, having issues with elderly people, not having enough time for leisure activities, having difficulties in personal life, etc. are all examples of factors that can contribute to stress. Other contributors include an unfavourable working environment, an extended length of working hours, insufficient time spent with family or an inability to spend time with family at all, eating habits that are erratic or unhealthy, and they have to make difficult choices very rapidly



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