“A study of the personality traits and decision-making styles of business management college students”


Ravi Sankar Jonnalagadda, Dr. Vipin Kumar

Page No: 127-135


This study investigates the personality traits and decision-making styles of business management college students, shedding light on the interplay between individual characteristics and the decision-making processes in this specific demographic. Understanding the relationships between personality traits and decision-making styles can provide valuable insights for educational institutions and future employers in preparing and assessing the capabilities of future business leaders. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative assessments of personality traits and qualitative analysis of decision-making styles. A sample of business management students from diverse academic institutions is surveyed, with a focus on key personality traits such as extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, and emotional stability. The findings reveal a nuanced relationship between personality traits and decision-making styles among business management students. Extraversion is positively associated with a preference for collaborative decision-making, while conscientiousness is linked to a more methodical and cautious approach. Openness to experience is found to be positively correlated with innovative and risk-taking decision-making styles, whereas agreeableness influences a preference for consensus-driven decisions. Emotional stability is shown to mitigate the impact of stress on decision-making. Qualitative analysis further explores the decision-making styles of these students, offering a deeper understanding of how personality traits shape their approaches to solving real-world problems and making strategic choices. The study's results have practical implications for business education, career development, and talent management, helping educators tailor teaching methods and curricula to students' individual needs and guiding employers in matching the right candidates to specific decision-making roles within organizations.


Personality traits, Business management, collaborative decision-making.

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