Personal and Public Safety Monitoring Devices For COVID19 Using IoT and Sensor Technology


Satyabrata Dash, Dr. Vadhri Suryanarayana, Dr. Jarabala Ranga O. Shiv Bhagawan

Page No: 128-147


There are constraints to provide the effective treatment for COVID19 patients in Hospitals due to infectious nature of the disease. Quality treatment and continuity in the healthcare of patient is difficult in case of patients of diseases of infectious nature. In the process of treatment many patients are not been properly monitored to their clinical events for better diagnosis. Patients are uncomfortable for the delay in medical attention as cost of such treatments is too high as various devices are to be included in the care. Therefore, it is required to provide the unrestricted medical advice and support to avoid further spread of the disease and better cure of the patient. In this manuscript, we proposed four (04) ICT enabled centralized patient monitoring and public safety devices along with usage of other IoT based systems which are to be used for COVID19 Hospitals to help the Paramedic’s staff to monitor the body temperature of the COVID19 patients in emergency medical situations for serious patients with the aim of stabilizing them without moving to their place. In addition we proposed some more personal and public devices used in wake of COVID19.



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